Brunei Darussalam Central Bank (BDCB) would like to alert the members of the public to a list of persons (i.e. companies and individuals) who, based on information available to BDCB at the time of publication, may be or may have been wrongly perceived as being licensed, authorised or regulated by BDCB.
This list is without prejudice to any further assessment by BDCB regarding the activities of the persons concerned.
Date added to Alert List: 12 Mar 2025
Latest update: 26 Mar 2025
Type of Activity
Money Lending
Date added to Alert List: 12 Mar 2025
Latest update: 26 Mar 2025
BoomEnterprise (FB profile)
Type of Activity
Any other suspicious and/or unethical activities
Date added to Alert List: 12 Mar 2025
Latest update: 26 Mar 2025
KMS Settle Loan (TikTok account) (8871720)
Type of Activity
Money Lending
Date added to Alert List: 13 Sep 2024
Latest update: 13 Sep 2024
Fusion Market
Type of Activity
Date added to Alert List: 13 Sep 2024
Latest update: 13 Sep 2024
BTC Brunei Darussalam
Type of Activity
Any other suspicious and/or unethical activities
287 Total number of entities |
Reminder: Protection under the laws administered by BDCB is not applicable should the members of the public choose to deal with the illegal financial service providers. Members of the public who participate in the illegal financial activities could also BE CHARGED under the law as abetting the operators of such illegal activities. Any knowledge of potential illegal/ unlicensed financial activities being carried out in Brunei Darussalam should be forwarded to BDCB. Should you fall prey to a financial scam, please report in to the Royal Brunei Police Force (RBPF) at your nearest Police Station or call 993. |
The BDCB Alert List was created to inform the public about entities that are suspicious, or not licensed or regulated by BDCB. Entities offering regulated financial activities* must be licensed by BDCB. This is to protect Brunei Darussalam's financial system, as well as financial consumers.
*such as dealing with currency options, money changing, money lending, money remittance and providing financial investments.
Purpose of the Alert List
Benefits of Dealing with Licensed Financial Institutions
Only banks, insurance companies, takaful operators, capital market and securities institutions, money changers, remittance service providers, as well as other entities and approved payment system operators under the relevant laws and regulations administered by BDCB are allowed to provide financial services in Brunei Darussalam.
The list of the licensed financial service providers can be accessed here
Thus, members of the public are advised not to
Should you fall victim to a financial scam, please lodge a report to the Royal Brunei Police Force at the nearest police station or call 993.
You are also advised to alert BDCB on any illegal or suspicious activities or entities:
You may also walk-in to BDCB's office at:
Financial Consumer IssuesAmong the illegal financial activities that may be reported to BDCB are:
Carrying out regulated activities that require a licence from BDCB without such licence.
Operating a recognised market without authorisation. For example, payment system providers/operators.
Using BDCB's name, symbol, design, or representation without prior written permission from BDCB. This also applies to misusing BDCB's name, symbol, design, or representation with the intention of deceiving or confusing others.
Cloning activity of a regulated and/or licensed entity.
Suspicious activities that contain elements of get-rich-quick schemes/pyramid/ponzi schemes or phishing schemes.
Recognise the signs of financial scams!
Financial scams often offer high returns, with little to no risk within a short period of time.
They often disguise themselves as Multi Level Marketing (MLM), but without any clear product offering. Instead, they focus on recruitment of members, where their membership fees are used to create income or returns for early members.
Financial scams may ask for you to come up with several payments to claim your rewards. For example, in the case of investment scams, victims are told to pay a processing fee before they can obtain their money in lump sum.
Make sure you only deal with licensed financial institutions.
Click here to find the list of licensed financial institutions.
Click here for the BDCB Alert List. This is a list of companies and websites which are neither authorised nor approved under the relevant laws and regulations administered by BDCB or whose activities raise a suspicion of illegal activity.
Download BDCB’s app where you can search for entities to check whether they are licensed or not.
Never reveal your bank details to any unauthorised or unknown persons!
Some scammers may impersonate bank officers or staff, and will ask for your bank details. Make sure you do not reveal your bank details to people you do not know.
Members of the public are advised to be careful and not fall prey to these schemes. Be alert and look out for the following common features of these illegal schemes:
Note: These financial scams will fail eventually when there are no new deposits being continually received by them. At such time, they will collapse and the depositors or investors will lose their investments.
Should you fall victim to a financial scam, please lodge a report to the Royal Brunei Police Force at the nearest police station or call 993.
You are also advised to alert BDCB on any illegal or suspicious activities or entities:
You may also walk-in to BDCB's office at:
Financial Consumer Issues