Finance Companies

Application Process

Applicants shall apply in writing to BDCB for a license under the Finance Companies Act, Chapter 89.

Licensing Criteria

In considering any application for a licence, applicants must be able to satisfy the general requirements deemed necessary by the Authority, such as but not limited to:

  • a) High reputation in the financial community;
  • b) Directors, controllers and senior management are fit and proper; and
  • c) Its minimum issued and paid up capital is not less than $25,000,000.

Finance Companies offering Islamic financing business are required to establish a Syariah Advisory Body, which is appointed pursuant to section 6(2)(g) of Finance Companies Act and acts accordingly within the BDCB Guidelines to Banks and Financial Institutions on Fitness and Propriety for Syariah Advisory Body.

Relevant Fees and Security
Application Fee Annual Licence Fee Security (Banker's Guarantee)
BND100.00 BND5,000.00 BND100,000.00

Moneylending Licence

The Moneylenders Act, Cap. 62, requires any persons to apply for a licence to conduct the business of a moneylender.

Application Process

Persons wishing to obtain a moneylender licence must submit a written application to BDCB.

Licensing Criteria

In considering any application for a licence, applicants must be able to satisfy the general requirements deemed necessary by the Authority, such as but not limited to:

  • a) Must be able to provide minimum paid-up capital of such amount as determined by BDCB;
  • b) Must have permanent place of business or a registered office in Brunei Darussalam.

Interested applicants are required to submit the following documentations:

  • A written application to the Authority;
  • Certified copy of Memorandum of Association and Articles of Association;
  • Annual Audited Financial Statements of the finance company (if applicable) and additionally a Statement of Financial Position, Statement of Profit and Loss and Other Comprehensive Income dated not more than three months prior to the date of the application;
  • Annual Reports of the finance company's holding company or shareholders with controlling interest for the latest financial year;
  • Proposed structure of operations in Brunei Darussalam;
  • Business Plan (including type of business, staff support, pro-forma financial data and financial projections for first five years of operation);
  • Whether the public interest will be served by the granting of the license; and
  • For Islamic finance companies, approval from Syariah Financial Supervisory Board for any Islamic financial products and services to ensure they are not contrary to Hukum Syara'. High reputation in the financial community;

Relevant Fees
Annual Licence Fee Credit Bureau Fee
Head Office BND30,000.00 Joining Fee BND10,000.00
Branch BND5,000.00 Annual Fee BND30,000.00

An application along with necessary documentations shall be submitted to:

Supervision 3 (Specialised Market)
Regulatory and Supervision Department
Brunei Darussalam Central Bank
Level 7, Ministry of Finance and Economy Building
Commonwealth Drive
Bandar Seri Begawan BB3910