BDCB Statistical Bulletin

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Currency in Circulation

Millions of Brunei Dollars


Figures may not add up due to rounding.

*Active Circulation - Active Circulation does not include cash holdings of commercial banks in Brunei Darussalam and Brunei currency held by Monetary Authority of Singapore pending repatriation.

Currency in Circulation by Denomination: Notes

Millions of Brunei Dollars


Figures may not add up due to rounding.

Currency in Circulation by Denomination: Coins

Thousands of Brunei Dollars


Figures may not add up due to rounding.

Monetary Aggregates: M0, M1, Quasi Money, and M2

Millions of Brunei Dollars


Figures may not add up due to rounding.

*Revised Data

*Broad Money - Broad money consists of Narrow Money and Quasi Money.

*Quasi Money - Quasi Money consists of Fixed Deposits, and Savings and Other Deposits.

Brunei Darussalam Central Bank : Statement of Assets

Millions of Brunei Dollars


Figures may not add up due to rounding.

*Revised Data

Brunei Darussalam Central Bank : Statement of Capital and Liabilities

Millions of Brunei Dollars


Figures may not add up due to rounding.

*Revised Data

Brunei Government Securities : Sukuk Al-Ijarah Issuances and Outstanding

Millions of Brunei Dollars

Brunei Government Securities : Sukuk Al-Ijarah Yield

Percent per annum


*Revised Data

Banking System including TAIB: Statement of Assets

Millions of Brunei Dollars


Figures may not add up due to rounding.

*Revised Data

Banking System including TAIB: Statement of Capital and Liabilities

Millions of Brunei Dollars


Figures may not add up due to rounding.

*Revised Data

Banking System including TAIB: Direction of Lending

Millions of Brunei Dollars


Figures may not add up due to rounding.

Banking System including TAIB: Non-Performing Loans/Financing (NPLF) / NPLF Ratio

Millions of Brunei Dollars


  1. Figures may not add up due to rounding
  2. As of Q2 2021 reporting, the data will be changed from Days Past Due to Classification in accordance to BDCB's Notice on Prudential Treatment of Problem Assets and Accounting for Expected Credit Losses. Under the new category, Non-Performing Loans/Financing includes the Days Past Due as well as credit impairment factors under the IFRS 9.
  3. *Revised Data

Substandard - Over 90 days less than 180 days + Credit Impairment Factors

Doubtful - Over 180 days less than 360 days + Credit Impairment Factors

Loss - Over 360 days + Credit Impairment Factors

Banking System including TAIB: Financial Soundness Indicators



Figures may not add up due to rounding.

Finance Companies: Assets, Deposits and Loans/Financing

Millions of Brunei Dollars


Figures may not add up due to rounding.

*Revised Data

Insurance / Takaful: Assets

Millions of Brunei Dollars


Figures may not add up due to rounding.

Insurance / Takaful: Gross Premiums

Millions of Brunei Dollars


Figures may not add up due to rounding.

Insurance / Takaful: Gross Claims

Millions of Brunei Dollars


Figures may not add up due to rounding.

On Q2 2020, the negative Gross Claims for Non-Life Takaful is due to overprovision of gross claims.

On Q4 2021, the negative Gross Claims for Non-Life Takaful is due to release of claims provision.

Residential Property Market: No. of Transactions by Property Type



Figures may not add up due to rounding.

*Revised Data

Residential Property Market: Total Value of Transactions by Property Type

Millions of Brunei Dollars


No transactions for land purchases in Q1 2015, Q1 2019, Q4 2019, Q1 2020, Q3 2021 and Q1 2022.

*Revised Data

Residential Property Market: Median Purchase Price of Transactions by Property Type

Thousands of Brunei Dollars


No transactions for land purchases in Q1 2015, Q1 2019, Q4 2019, Q1 2020, Q3 2021 and Q1 2022.

*Revised Data

Residential Property Market: No. of Transactions by District and Property Type



*Revised Data

Residential Property Market: Total value of transactions by Property Type in Brunei-Muara District

Millions of Brunei Dollars


No transactions for land purchases in Q1 2015, Q1 2019, Q4 2019, Q1 2020, Q3 2021 and Q1 2022.

*Revised Data

Residential Property Market: Median Purchase Price of Transactions by Property Type in Brunei-Muara District

Thousands of Brunei Dollars


No transactions for land purchases in Q1 2015, Q1 2019, Q4 2019, Q1 2020, Q3 2021 and Q1 2022.

*Revised Data

Residential Property Market: Residential Property Price Index



*Revised Data

BSI Value & Interpretation

BSI Value Interpretation
Above 50 Expansion / Optimism compared to the previous month
50 No change compared to the previous month
Below 50 Contraction / Less optimism compared to the previous month

BSI by Sub-Index


For 1M (one month) Ahead, the result compares expected performance in the next month compared to the current month while the 3M (three month) Ahead, the result compares expected performance 3 months ahead compared to the current month.

BSI with Sub-Indices by Business Size


Micro (1-5 employees), Small (6-50 employees), Medium (51-100 employees), Large (>100 employees).

*Revised Data

BSI with Sub-Indices by Economic Sector


For sub-sectors description, please refer to the BSI technical notes.

Interest Rates: Banking Institutions

Percent per annum

*Revised Data

Exchange Rates: Brunei Dollar (BND)

*Source: Bloomberg


*Revised Data

BDCB Overnight Standing Facilities Rates