Monetary and Financial Statistics

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Interest rates

Average deposit rates of the commercial banks in Brunei.

Central Bank Survey

The central bank data are presented as a Central Bank Survey. This survey covers the central bank's data only, i.e. BDCB's data.


Figures may not add up due to rounding.

Depository Corporations Survey


Data for the central bank and other depository corporations are consolidated into the Depository Corporations Survey. Figures may not add up due to rounding.

Other Depository Corporations Survey


Data for other depository corporations are presented in the Other Depository Corporations Survey. Other depository corporations comprise financial corporations that incur liabilities that are included in the national definition of broad money. This survey covers licensed commercial banks, licensed finance companies and the Islamic Trust Fund. Figures may not add up due to rounding.

Financial Corporations Survey


Figures may not add up due to rounding.

Other Financial Corporations Survey


Other financial corporations comprise financial corporations that do not incur liabilities included in the national definition of broad money, but that engage in financial intermediation (other financial intermediaries) or provide financial services other that financial intermediation (financial auxiliaries). This survey covers insurance and takaful companies, asset management companies and pension fund in Brunei as well as offshore banking and insurance institutions. Figures may not add up due to rounding.

Money Aggregates

Monetary Aggregates comprising Currency in Circulation (M0), Money (M1), Quasi Money and Broad Money (M2).


Narrow Money* - consists of Currency Outside Banks and demand deposits of private sector.
Quasi Money* - consists of Fixed Deposits, and Savings and Other Deposits.
Broad Money* - consists of Narrow Money and Quasi Money.